ZenFone Zoom Phone

The latest in the world of smart phones launched by ASUS company, and distinctive technology 3x optical zoom in cameras, where ZenFone Zoom phone is a phone that's worth the wait after announced at CES conference during the last year.
Almost a year after the announcement of the ZenFone Zoom phone first modern smartphones distinctive Bkamarh feature triple zoom 3x optical zoom, ASUS has announced the launch of the phone in the United States markets in early February, where he is scheduled to phone the price starts from $ 399.

This is an acceptable price compared to previous versions of the company, which is approaching ZenFone Zoom phone competition from Samsung production line that makes no concessions in the main specifications in its phones to raise more Balcamarh.

Asus ASUS company has been able to cameras technology development in the new issuance in the smart phone with the support of two of the giants of manufacturing cameras and two Japanese Panasonic Corporation, the company that supported Bkamarh 13 mega pixel camera SmartFSI, and the company HOYA lenses of cameras that are designed 10-element lens.
Can the new technology used in cameras, to provide enlarge 3x optical zoom without highlighting parts away from the subject of the picture, and topping this technique technique image stabilization in cameras, and technical auto-focus laser, along with dual flash, and the range of cameras from f / 2.7 aperture to f / 4.8 as an alternative to f / 2.0 aperture which is characterized by high-end phones, as the camera comes in Alselva phone specifications 5 mega pixel camera, but the user will flash with optional LolliFlash